Friday, August 28, 2009

Biggest Abortion Bill since Roe V. Wade

A new House Bill would allow allow publicly operated insurance plans to cover abortion, if passed it will ignite alot of controversy with anti-abortion types.

I find this interesting because abortion is one of the issues I have a very solid opinion on. A majority of women who have abortions are in their teens a I am, so it is a debate and topic which is relevant to me in that way. I am from an Irish Catholic family, we go to church most sundays, and I've been confirmed and all that good stuff, I am however, Pro-Choice. I personally would probably not choose to get an abortion if I had to make that decision, but i am fully in support of people having that option available to them. I can understand in some way the reason that people are pro-life, I however think that it is a personal, private issue. The weakest argumet that i have heard in favor of pro-life is that abortions are unnatural. Thats true, however breast augmentation, botox and other forms of plastic surgery are unnatural and there is no pro-cosmetic sugery/pro-"keeping what you were born with" debate. Needless to say that is just one pro-life argument,and that not all are that easily dimissed, I just felt that I should comment.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

An Introduction to my mandatory blog

So this blog is required for my Senior Government and Econ Class, however even though it is mandatory, I actually think this will be an interesting opportunity to express whatever political opinions I may have as well as my opinions of the world. The reason I have titled my blog "Let's not sugarcoat it.." is because I have no intention of doing so. Any opinions or beliefs I have will be bluntly put, because diplomacy is not one of my strong suits. This lack of diplomacy can also be called brutal honesty and is something I intend to curtail before I exit high school and become a part of the real world, because a trait which is now occasionally viewed as refreshing in a teenager, could very easily be interpreted as misanthropic in an adult, so hopefully I'll develop some sensitivity by the end of this year and this blog.