Thursday, August 27, 2009

An Introduction to my mandatory blog

So this blog is required for my Senior Government and Econ Class, however even though it is mandatory, I actually think this will be an interesting opportunity to express whatever political opinions I may have as well as my opinions of the world. The reason I have titled my blog "Let's not sugarcoat it.." is because I have no intention of doing so. Any opinions or beliefs I have will be bluntly put, because diplomacy is not one of my strong suits. This lack of diplomacy can also be called brutal honesty and is something I intend to curtail before I exit high school and become a part of the real world, because a trait which is now occasionally viewed as refreshing in a teenager, could very easily be interpreted as misanthropic in an adult, so hopefully I'll develop some sensitivity by the end of this year and this blog.

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