Thursday, December 10, 2009

Obama lends support to Brazil and Norway

At the Copenhagen Climate Summit today, President Barack Obama backed a plan presented by Brazil and Norway which will protect rain forests. Deforestation accounts for approximately 16% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. Countries are almost unanimously in support of developing a strategy to reduce deforestation. To put a cap on these emissions, the EU has proposed 50% cut in the rate of deforestation by 2020, and a complete halt by 2030. I believe that this unanimous commitment should be perceived as optimism for a global change, which is something that we should all aspire to.

Mental Health Break Down!?

Welcome to America.. I love how even in a comic mocking high our prices, the prices shown are STILL lower than the actual costs of these items! It's awesome! Movies now cost $11, gas is more than $3 a gallon, and these prices keep skyrocketing.

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Ever Growing National Debt

In a blog post entitled National Debt Hits Record $11 Trillion, Mark Knoller points out that with a national debt exceeding eleven trillion dollars, the United States of America owe more than $36,000 for every man, woman and child residing in our country. Our national debt has hit a record high, and it is estimated to continue to grow unchecked, with some estimates saying that the debt may continue to grow by a trillion dollars a year until at least 2020, if not longer. We are basically digging ourselves into a hole that will be very difficult to scramble out of, especially as more and more baby boomers retire and the demand for social security, medicare and medicaid increase. I for one am more than a little freaked out considering that I will not even be thirty in 2020, but oh well we can always keep borrowing more money from China... but wait! something about that sounds ominously familiar.

Climate Change Plan B

Check Spelling
The Obama administration adopted it's climate change plan B today, which formally declares CO2 emissions a public danger and enables them to cap greenhouse gas emissions without the approval of the senate. The announcement declaring that CO2 is a hazard to public health came today during the Copenhagen climate change summit. This formal acknowledgement also allows the Environmental Protection Agency to cap carbon emissions from major sources like coal power plants and cars. Lisa Jackson, the head of the EPA said, "This administration will not ignore science or the law any longer, nor will we ignore the responsibility we owe to our children and our grandchildren".

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The ambiguity surrounding the electric car

After watching the movie Who Killed the Electric Car? I was pretty frustrated with how the oil companies and the car companies had suppressed the electric car technology. I was especially mad because they had actually developed a fully functional electric car,but now people are not even aware that we had developed an electric car. In one recent article I read, the author asked "Are electric cars a possibility in the near future?" and I immediately wanted to say "Uhh well yes, but it's also part of our past too..". The American people need to be made aware that electric vehicle was applied and was functional, and hopefully more people will demand that these more eco-friendly cars are made available as soon as possible.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Well if we're gonna make gay marriage illegal..

I agree that we should ban other variations on marriage too. In my opinion it is ridiculous to ban gay marriage, and it makes my blood boil when ignorant people declare that gay marriage tarnishes the sanctity of marriage, because divorce does so in a much bigger way and half of marriages end in divorce. Californian John Marcotte wants to put a measure on the ballot next year to ban divorce. I am fully in support of this, in my opinion people should be able to end their marriages if they feel that they need to, however I feel that if we are going to ban certain types of marriages, then we should definitely ban the option of divorce. Don't you know there are millions of nice, gay couples who would kill to have the legal union you're just thowing away?