Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Issue of the Death Penalty

I have been researching the arguments of the Republican and Democratic Parties supporting their views on the death penalty. In this comparison of each party's views on this issue, the Democrats as a rule do not believe that the death penalty "is mandatory as a measure to control crime". The Republicans on the other hand believe that the death penalty is "necessary to control crime".
In a discussion of the Republican party on, the Republican's view on the death penalty is discussed. Many Republicans view the death penalty as necessary because they think that it is truly the only way to cope with seriously criminal individuals.
Most Democrats do not believe that the death penalty is necessary or that it is an ethical response to crimes. In this discussion of the views of the Democratic party, their general view on the death penalty is discussed. The Democrats do not believe that the death penalty is something that should be practiced, many Democrats believe that death in response to killing is not the right answer,
On this issue I am fully in agreement with the Democrats. I do not believe that the death penalty is an appropriate response to any crime. The death penalty prevents criminals from ever having the opportunity to repent for their crimes. I am not saying that remorseful murderers should go free, however I do believe that it is incorrect to deprive incarcerated individuals of their remaining years, because those remaining years, even if they are spent in jail, could provide the individual with an opportunity to redeem them self in some small way.

The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Democrat Party

I personally identify more with the Democratic party than I do with the Republican party, the reasons for my preference of the Democratic party's ideology are as follow.
1.) The Democratic Party is in many ways more tolerant, more diverse and more aware of the issues of constituents from all different backgrounds. This blog representing the Utah State Democratic Party is undoubtedly biased, however it does make some good points about the differences in diversity between the two parties. I believe that diversity is an important component of being able to make decisions that are best for everyone in the country.

2.) The Democrats are also much more willing to acknowledge issues like global warming and gay marriage. Although these issues are entirely different, they both represent issues that require a stretch from the "norm", something that Democrats in general are definitely better at than Republicans are. In this article published a while ago in The Washington Post the Democrat's vow to combat Global Warming is discussed. This is one of the main reason that I prefer to identify myself as a Democrat, I believe that it is important to keep an open mind when it comes to issues like people's life style choices and the possible damage we are doing to our planet. Neither of these issues are cut and dry, they are worthy of plenty of consideration.

The main weakness of the Democratic Party in my opinion is that they are often not as firm in their opinions as the Republicans are. In an article published on the NPR website, this weakness in the Democratic Party is discussed. The Democrats need to become more confident in their ideas and more sure of their strengths, because otherwise they will fall prey to the Republicans' constant "no's"

The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Republican Party

I personally do not identify myself as a Republican. I believe that the Republican Party in general is often like an ostrich with it's head in the sand. They frequently refuse to recognize problems even as they are blowing up around them. Many Republicans refuse to raise taxes even when it is the only possible solution, many Republicans refuse to recognize that global warming is occurring and whether or not it is entirely man made, it needs to be addressed. I do recognize however that these points do not represent all Republicans and I also recognize that the Republican Party has valid strengths along with their many weaknesses.
The main problems that I have with the Republican party are as follows:

1.) The Republican Party has in many ways become "The Party of NO!", in that they simply turn down or stone wall any ideas the Democrats have. In an Op Ed Column in the Washington Post, columnist Harold Meyerson discusses the health care bill (the column was published in January, but it supports my point well). Meyerson says that as their main contribution to the bill, the "Republicans will attack the law's weaknesses (and strengths)". No where does it say that they will offer constructive criticism. The Republicans as a party do not offer solutions it seems, they only attack the solutions of their opposition.

2.) The Republican Party is, in many respects, driven by it's fringe. The most vocal representatives of the party in the media are men like Glen Beck, Bill O' Reilly and Rush Limbaugh, who do not seem to be at all well educated about the issues they are broadcasting to a public who laps up everything they say. In an article in The Daily Camera, writer and author Lou Dubose is quoted as saying "They're entitled to their own opinions, not to inject falsehoods and outright lies into the news cycle", and this is very true. Some of the main news sources for Republicans nationwide are not even news sources, they are opinion shows. In the same article a program is discussed called "Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse". All I have to say is that they seem about equivalent to war, pestilence, famine and death...

However, enough knocking the Republicans! They do have their strengths, one of their main positive aspects being that they have faith in their constituents. While recently reading an article in The Washington Post about the tragic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, I realized something. Although it was not at all the main focus of the article it became apparent to me that the Republicans trust the people to play a larger role than the Democrats trust them to in many respects. This faith in the intelligence of citizens is heartening, although it is counter intuitive since media outlets like FOX news are feeding people big servings of idiot pills every day..