Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Democrat Party

I personally identify more with the Democratic party than I do with the Republican party, the reasons for my preference of the Democratic party's ideology are as follow.
1.) The Democratic Party is in many ways more tolerant, more diverse and more aware of the issues of constituents from all different backgrounds. This blog representing the Utah State Democratic Party is undoubtedly biased, however it does make some good points about the differences in diversity between the two parties. I believe that diversity is an important component of being able to make decisions that are best for everyone in the country.

2.) The Democrats are also much more willing to acknowledge issues like global warming and gay marriage. Although these issues are entirely different, they both represent issues that require a stretch from the "norm", something that Democrats in general are definitely better at than Republicans are. In this article published a while ago in The Washington Post the Democrat's vow to combat Global Warming is discussed. This is one of the main reason that I prefer to identify myself as a Democrat, I believe that it is important to keep an open mind when it comes to issues like people's life style choices and the possible damage we are doing to our planet. Neither of these issues are cut and dry, they are worthy of plenty of consideration.

The main weakness of the Democratic Party in my opinion is that they are often not as firm in their opinions as the Republicans are. In an article published on the NPR website, this weakness in the Democratic Party is discussed. The Democrats need to become more confident in their ideas and more sure of their strengths, because otherwise they will fall prey to the Republicans' constant "no's"

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