Thursday, November 5, 2009

Right To Live, Right to Die.

The "Right to Die"question has been revived in the United Kingdom, by two cases. An infant whose mother wants to remove him from life support, and by an elderly couple who committed suicide together because they could no longer take care of themselves. The elderly couple sent a note to the BBC explaining their decision to end their lives. In it they said "To force the issue beyond this point would mean for us a living death; we have therefore chosen to peacefully end our lives." This is a truly powerful statement, and one that I know many people would second once they reach a certain point in their lives.
In my opinion people should be allowed to end their lives, or the lives of their loved ones who are not conscious to make the decisions for themselves, if they are in a terminal situation which can only possibly become more devastating. I do not believe that anyone should be trapped in a body which is slowly, and tortuously dying around them if they want to be done. I know that if I was being supported by a ventilator and would never, ever wake up or recover I would want my family and friends to make the choice to end my suffering, and theirs, and to let me go.
The only states in America which allow the so called "death with dignity acts" are Washington and Oregon. It is my belief that death, like life is a private choice, and I feel that Sarah Palin's condemnation of things like "death panels" are ignorant, and an attempt to inspire fear and overly dramtize a, for some people, logical response to life's tragedies. Assisted suicide is a hotly debated issue, I personally believe that if a person comes up against an irreversible tragedy which will inevitably cause their death, they should be allowed to choose to end their own suffering.

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