Monday, November 9, 2009

Health Bill passes in House

The House of Representatives passed a version of the health care bill on saturday night. As wrote, "The House Democrats needed 218 votes to ensure passage of the bill. On Saturday, it appeared the vote would come down to the wire, as the intentions of some conservative Democrats remained unknown." The bill was in fact down to the last few votes, passing 220-215, very close indeed. The first amendment to the bill bans using government provided health insurance from being used to pay for abortions, except in case of rape, danger to the mother's health etc.
I more or less agree with the first amendment, not because I am anti-abortion, but because I believe that in anything but the extreme cases (in which federal funds will be allowed to be used to pay for the operations), abortions are elective surgeries, so if women elect to have one it makes sense that they would have to provide funds for themselves.

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