Friday, February 26, 2010

The Hellish Healthcare Hassle

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Bipartisan Health Care Reform Summit 2010
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorVancouverage 2010

I have to laugh uproariously at how perfectly John Stewart sums up the way our nation works. Overall I completely agree with him, we have a problem and its ludicrously and hilariously tragic that we are too busy squabbling to tug ourselves out of the quagmire.
As a nation we need to cut the bull shit, and recognize that we are in a sinking ship and that no amount of arguing is going to set us afloat again. Whether or not one party asserts itself as the alpha dog over the other is irrelevant because when the ship goes down both parties will still be on it, probably still pointing fingers and hollering at eachother as the water swallows them up.
America needs to realize that we are going down hill, that it is hard to hold onto a job these days, and that it is even harder to grapple with the gorgon of skyrocketing health care costs. In addition to these economic problems, we are facing a tidal wave of health issues, from the overwhelming number of people eating themselves into diabetes, to the millions who are slowly poisoning themselves with cigarettes. Now I am not saying that people should be condemned for bad habits, however any government that will sit idly by and watch it's people suffer should indeed be condemned for this laxness in morality. The government should now more than ever, provide a viable universal health plan for all Americans. Everyone in our nation should be able to be healed and taken care of when they are sick or injured, and no one should have to sacrifice just because the basic necessity of medical care is out of their price range.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

US Department of Housing and Urban Development

The US Department of Housing and Urban Development helps fund programs to aid the homeless, these programs are run by local organizations and provide homeless men and women with programs like counseling, meals, and job training options. The best ways to support these type of programs are to donate food, money or your time!

Not Enough Preparation for Homeless Kids

All across the nation states are under prepared to address the situation of childhood homelessness. A blog on the discusses the dire situation and presents facts on how critical the situation truly is. I was shocked to read facts like that 42% of homeless children are under 6, that one in seven homeless have severe medical issues, and that more than one million currently homeless children will not even have the opportunity to graduate high school.
Millions of children are living in poverty, and experiencing the tragic life of homelessness everyday, and most Americans are not even aware of the situation. Many homeless children will develop developmental or behavioral issues, and many will also be condemned to an entire life of homelessness. The overwhelming number of children who are not able to return to the same bedroom every night, and who are forced to combat the insecurity of never knowing if their current residence will be permanent is tragic, and I for one believe that it is imperative that we help these children.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Ending for a Homeless Man

Daniel Harlan, one of the many homeless men and women residing in the Bay Area, was reunited with his companion of many years, a Himalayan cat named Samantha. Harlan's cat dissapeared from the homeless encampment where he was residing, and he was distraught to have lost his best friend of four years. Thanks to an article published in the San Francisco Chronicle, the word got out about Harlan's situation and the cat was returned to him, and they enjoyed a tearful reunion.
This story demonstrates the everyday tragedies and insecurities of homeless life, Harlan never hurt anyone, and loves his cat to death, however he is unfortunate enough to be a homeless man in our current economy. Everyone in America deserves a safe, dry place to rest their head at night, and the sense of security that their possessions (and pets) will remain their own.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lets Make America Thin Again

The first lady will be spearheading a campaign to combat childhood obesity, a growing (pardon the pun) issue among all Americans. An article in The Guardian discussed Michelle Obama's campagn which will focus on getting children more active and teaching them to make better nutritional choices. I think that it is really great that this campaign is being set in motion and I really hope that it makes a change. America is becoming a nation of big, fat people, and that is something that we need to change. Children deserve to live healthy, long lives, and no child should be condemned to a fat, unhealthy lifestyle just because their parents live a certain way.

Humanity for Haiti

Habitat for Humanity has announced a future project to build homes in Haiti as soon as conditions allow. These homes will cost approximately $5,000 to build, and most of the work will be done replacing and repairing earthquake damaged structures.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Evil Eggplant?

An article in The Guardian discusses the decision being processed in India about whether or not genetically modified aubergines should be distributed to Indian farmers. There is concern that this will open the flood gates to other genetically modified foods which could raise huge cultural and political issues. I say keep India organic!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Habitat for Humanity Success stories

Habitat for Humanity is an excellent organization with inspiring success stories. Thousands of families have been positively impacted by the powerful works accomplished by Habitat for Humanity, and I am excited to make a difference in someone's life.

All Hail President Palin...

At a recent Tea Party convention, Sarah Palin hinted that she is considering challenging President Obama in the 2012 election. Palin was quoted as saying "A year later, how is all that hopey-changey stuff working out for yer?", this frustrates me. The fact that Palin thinks that by talking like an idiot she can relate to the American people more, is insulting. Also the fact that after a year she is attacking Obama's messages of change and hope would indicate that she doesn't believe in either of those things which I believe to be very valuable. I sincerely hope that Palin does not actually believe that she will be able to win an election by condemning hope and change and speaking in colloquial moron dialect.
But then again the world is ending in 2012 anyway... So I'll die in an apocalypse before this woman is elected President, thank God.