Friday, February 26, 2010

The Hellish Healthcare Hassle

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Bipartisan Health Care Reform Summit 2010
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorVancouverage 2010

I have to laugh uproariously at how perfectly John Stewart sums up the way our nation works. Overall I completely agree with him, we have a problem and its ludicrously and hilariously tragic that we are too busy squabbling to tug ourselves out of the quagmire.
As a nation we need to cut the bull shit, and recognize that we are in a sinking ship and that no amount of arguing is going to set us afloat again. Whether or not one party asserts itself as the alpha dog over the other is irrelevant because when the ship goes down both parties will still be on it, probably still pointing fingers and hollering at eachother as the water swallows them up.
America needs to realize that we are going down hill, that it is hard to hold onto a job these days, and that it is even harder to grapple with the gorgon of skyrocketing health care costs. In addition to these economic problems, we are facing a tidal wave of health issues, from the overwhelming number of people eating themselves into diabetes, to the millions who are slowly poisoning themselves with cigarettes. Now I am not saying that people should be condemned for bad habits, however any government that will sit idly by and watch it's people suffer should indeed be condemned for this laxness in morality. The government should now more than ever, provide a viable universal health plan for all Americans. Everyone in our nation should be able to be healed and taken care of when they are sick or injured, and no one should have to sacrifice just because the basic necessity of medical care is out of their price range.

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