Sunday, February 7, 2010

All Hail President Palin...

At a recent Tea Party convention, Sarah Palin hinted that she is considering challenging President Obama in the 2012 election. Palin was quoted as saying "A year later, how is all that hopey-changey stuff working out for yer?", this frustrates me. The fact that Palin thinks that by talking like an idiot she can relate to the American people more, is insulting. Also the fact that after a year she is attacking Obama's messages of change and hope would indicate that she doesn't believe in either of those things which I believe to be very valuable. I sincerely hope that Palin does not actually believe that she will be able to win an election by condemning hope and change and speaking in colloquial moron dialect.
But then again the world is ending in 2012 anyway... So I'll die in an apocalypse before this woman is elected President, thank God.

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