Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The People of America Vs. Insurance

Consumer advocates are suing Blue Cross Anthem, accusing the insurance company of illegally jacking up rates and forcing their clients to settle for inferior health plans or plans with higher deductibles. An article in Reuters discussed the case, quoting one of the plaintiffs in the case, Mary Feller as saying "Blue Cross has a gun to our heads". When Americans are forced by their insurance company to drop into inferior health plans or to pay higher deductibles simply because they are aging, we have an issue. Insurance companies should be around to help people pay for their medical expenses, not to induce stress and worry in already sick people.

Now it seems like people pay for insurance every month, for their cars, homes and themselves, but then are scared to use it. People get into car accidents and then pay for the damage out of pocket because they are terrified to have their insurance deductibles raised sky high. The same thing is happening with medical care and that is terrible.

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