Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Aiding Africa

My Dad is in Africa a lot. Usually about a third or a quarter of the year, he is in Zambia or Ghana, he's a doctor and he does a lot of clinic work there. I don't really have an article to back this up because it's my idea, but I think that since the government now handles student loans, they should cut medical students a giant break on paying back their loans if they agree to go to a country like Ghana and work for a year or two. This would enable medical students to pay off their loans much quicker,and it would also do worlds of good for developing countries. Right now my dad is in Kintampo, a small town in Ghana with a clinic. There is one other doctor there year-round who works incredibly long shifts and is passionately devoted to helping the people in his community. If upon their graduation, medical school students were given a powerful incentive to go into an outreach program, the benefits could be colossal, and it could change thousands, if not millions of lives. There are programs like this now, doctors without borders for example, but in many cases the appeal of getting a great high paying job immediately, outweighs the appeal of saving lives without a fat paycheck accompanying it.

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