Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thats Right.. A Pot Blog.

I personally don't get the big deal about legalizing marijuana. To me it seems like a no brainer.. a decision even a stoner could make.. how high are they that they haven't leglized it already? I could keep going but I won't.
I recently read an article discussing marijuana and its rise. Its rise and seeming popularity are exemplified in movies like Pineapple Express, however there are currently serious reprecussions for marijuana posession, as the 872,721 people arrested for marijuana possesion in 2007 could attest to. Many experts have compared marijuana use to alcoholic inbreation, not exactly admirable, but hardly intolerable in society, at least not nearly as bas as the marijuana mania depicted in old films like reefer madness.
Marjuana is a $35.8-billion domestic cash crop. Thats alot of money that the government is letting slide by them without any cut being taken out. In California alone an estmated 3 million people have smoked pot at least once in the past year, that is alot of use and expenditure that the government could be cashing in on. According to one poll, 56% of Californians were in support of legalizing marijuana, and it makes sense! If one considers how heavily the government is able to tax products like cigarettes, with people still smoking muliple packs a day, and then applies that heavy taxation to the billion dollar cash crop that weed has become, that is some serious change the government could be raking in.
Plus keeping marijuana illegal is not keeping people from enjoying it apparently as almost ten percent of California's population is estimated to have smoked at some point in the past year.

That's just some munchies for thought America.

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