Thursday, September 24, 2009

Love IS sacred

"Marriage is Sacred", is the main anti-gay marriage argument that I have heard. This infuriates me, especially when people say things like, "marriage is a sacred union, and gay marriage would make a mockery of that..".
In a nation where nearly half of marriages end in divorce, I find it ironic that anyone is making accusations about tarnishing the sanctity of marriage.
I am a firm believer that marriages can work 'til death do us part, and I am in no way condemning the entire institution of marriage.What I am arguing, however, is that if two men, or two women, who love each other getting legally joined, just as any heterosexual couple could be, and acknowledging their love, is a violation of the sacredness of marriage, then what are the millions of marriages that end in ugly divorces? If two people of the same gender getting married is a violation, then the marriages that end in years of hurt for both partners and their children are massacres of the sanctity of marriage. It truly upsets me when the main argument that anti-gay marriage protesters have is that marriage is sacred. Marriage hasn't been treated as sacred by the majority of our population for decades, and if we are going to uphold marriage as a sacred joining of two people in love, it should not matter what gender either partner is, or what their sexual orientation is. What should matter is that they love each other and have promised to respect and treasure their spouse, and treat their own individual union as sacred.

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