Thursday, October 1, 2009

Abstinence only leaves gaping holes in Education

After weeks of complaining about the price of health-care reform, Senate Republicans managed team and boost the budget for abstinence-only education. To me it seems like a waste of money to spend fifty million dollars teaching kids to just say no. Most of them have it down pretty well, and most kids who are saying NO to sex have had that two letter show stopper down for at least a decade. Studies have proven that these programs are not as successful as comprehensive sexual education and health classes, because chances are if a teenager wants to say no (which lets face it, most do not want to say no at all, but a very emphatic yes) they are capable of doing it without millions of dollars worth of tutorial, what would be justified was sex ed classes explaining consequences and safety with highschoolers, because many kids aren't recieving that information.

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