Friday, October 23, 2009

Citations can be Issued for: Failure to stop, speeding, and.. not speaking English?

A Dallas, Texas police officer apparently gave a woman a ticket for not speaking English. This was not, however the only time this has happened! Over the past three years, 39 people have been issued citations for not speaking English, a completely invalid charge. There is a law stating that Taxi drivers and commercial drivers must be able to speak English, but no where does it state that private citizens must have a full command of the English language to drive a car in Texas..

Although considering that it is Texas, a law like that wouldn't surprise me. They do after all have a law stating that people are not allowed to eat their neighbors garbage without their permission. Doing so will result in Jail time!
hmmm.. ok Texas.
Also children in the city of Mesquite can not have unusual haircuts, namely mohawks.
I think it should be a law that no one anywhere can have a mullet.

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