Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Couple Shot Dead in Cold Blood

Two families were attacked in Juarez, Mexico by probably drug cartel assassins. Each family had a spouse with ties to the United States consulate in Juarez. An article discusses the tragedy, saying that "The slayings came amid a surge in bloodshed on the border and drew condemnation from the White House". I can not believe that these terrible murders have occurred, and I am appalled that these lives were shattered because of drugs. I think that the drug trade is one of the most horrific and terrible impacts on our world. Two men and a pregnant woman were murdered, and two young children were harmed, that these people were casualties to a trafficking industry which destroys millions of lives a year is a continuation of this tragedy. I think that all drug education classes should discuss the people who are effected by the drug trade, I know that hardcore drug addicts would not be swayed by the tragic stories of the casualties of drug trade, but if it becomes part of the drug-education program then maybe a new side of the tragedy that is the drug world.

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