Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Saturday March 20th

Saturday March 20th was my first day volunteering for Habitat for Humanity. At this point I feel like I have researched a lot and learned quite a bit about homelessness in our region of the world. Now I feel that I am prepared to begin chronicling my experiences at the build site. The twentieth was a really gorgeous day, not to hot but definitely not at all cold. Compared to my work the following week, this day was pretty easy breezy and the only bad side effects was some neck pain from craning my head to get paint up all day. I spent most of the day up on the scaffolds painting under the eaves and erecting walls inside some of the houses. Some of the homeowners were there and it was a really cool experience to spend the morning working on their future homes, and then share Gatorade with them at the lunch break.

The Habitat for Humanity fact sheet page pretty much outlines the program and I found it to be an excellent source of information prior to beginning work

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