Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Shame of the City part 5

San Francisco needs to find a solution for the thousands of men and women who spend their times on the city's streets. Federal aid money is available but the city needs to have a solid, viable plan to cope with the issue before the government will give them money.
The fifth and final installment of the "Shame of the City" series discusses the lack of a plan in San Francisco. In recent years San Francisco passed the Care Not Cash bill, which offers the homeless services instead of welfare payments, which can arguably be used to purchase drugs or other harmful things. San Francisco needs to offer more shelter.
In New York there are less than two thousand homeless living on the streets, while San Francisco has almost 5,000 hardcore homeless. New York has 8 million inhabitants and San Francisco has 800,000, this discrepancy in homeless population with regards to total population is ridiculous. San Francisco has one of the worst problems in the entire country, and although California is well known for its altruistic citizens, and liberal "hippie" attitudes, the people in need of help are not being aided.

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